Hi all,
I'm using UNIX or ATARI platforms, and beta 3.5 are not yet released.
I must precise that I compiled 3.1g unofficial version for ATARI, and
that it is available on my home page. I used a modified version of 3.1g
a 2D Graph Describer, and 3D modeller of explicit mathematical surfaces.
In my software, I export scripts from 3.1 version of POVRAY as you can
see on "http://eureka.atari.org/vrml" link. It seems that POVRAY 3.5
has a completely new manner to handle 3D explicit surfaces. I used to
define a "mesh" containing an explicit formula of the explicit surface,
and describing the vertex and it's normals, computed from the surface's
definition. That produced a really long parsing, due to the definition
macros for the points, and the normals.
As I suspect, the explicit formula of 3D surfaces is now sufficient to
define a 3D shape. Am I wrong ? If not, I would really appreciate to
read the 3.5 documentation about that topic. Is there any online
documentation available on the WEB ? I really look forward to read it.
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,
mailto:lec### [at] atariorg
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